03.01 (March)
성관물류㈜ 설립 조선용 1급 배관 및 스테인리스 파이프 제작 조선기자재 물류업
Establishment of Sungkwan Logistics Co., Ltd. Manufacture of pipe products for shipbuilding Logistics for shipbuilding equipment.
03.04 (March)
LRQA ISO9001 인증 획득 인증범위 : Manufacture of Outfiting Pipes and Steel structures fot Steel Ship and other Industrial application.
ISO 9001 to be certified by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd. Application : Manufacture of Outfiting Pipes and Steel structures fot Steel Ship and other Industrial application.
11 (November)
성관물류㈜에서 성관산업㈜ 그리고 다시 ㈜성관기공으로 재창업
Re-established as Sungkwan Logistics Co., Ltd., Sungkwan Industrial Co., Ltd., and then Sungkwan Machinery Co., Ltd.
10 (October)
통영시 안정국가 산업단지에서 사천 제2 일반산업단지로 본사 이전
Headquarters relocated from Tongyeong-city Anjeong National Industrial Complex to Sacheon 2nd General Industrial Complex
06 (June)
선박 Block 조립, 의장, 도장 제작 착수
Start manufacturing engine room block and module unit
11 (November)
LRQA ISO9001 인증범위 확대 확대 인증범위 : Manufacture of hull block and engine room block including outfitting and painting works for steel ships.
ISO 9001 application to be extended to Manufacture of Hull Block and Engine Room Block including Outfitting and Painting works for steel ships.
12.15 (December)
KOSHA 18001 인증획득 (안전보건경영시스템)
KOSHA 18001 certified.
LNG터미널 통영기지 증설공사 참여 총길이 904m 해상구간 Trestle 및 Berth Area 배관 및 철구조물 시공 국내 최초로 50m 모듈공법을 도입하여 획기적 납기 단축 및 공사비 절감 실현
Production to be started for Piping and Steel Structures at the area of Trestle and Berth for LNG Terminal. This is the first trial of new method of construction by supplying with Module Unit system. (LNG Terminal - 6th Extension Project of 2nd Stage for Korea Gas Corporation)
01.11 (January)
LRQA ISO 14001 인증 획득 (환경경영 시스템)
ISO 14001 to be certified by Lloyd.
06 (June)
SGM개발연구소 개설 - 자체 설계 능력 배양
New open of SGM Research Institute (Drawing Shop)
04 (April)
압력용기 제작 인증서 획득 인증 품목 : 압력용기(U), 압력배관(PP), 동력보일러(S)
ASME Stamps : U(Pressure Vessel), PP(Pressure Piping), S(Power Boilers)
04 (April)
해양플랜트 Topside 구조물 제작 착수
첫 프로젝트 : Teekay FPSO - Pipe Rack
Offshore Topside Structure to be started 1st Project : Teekay FPSO - Pipe Rack
02 (February)
Babcock-Hitachi K.K. (일본 발전설비 제작업체)의 Vendor 등록 제작 범위 : Steam Jacket, Piping Modules, HRG’s Duct/Casing, Stack
Vendor Registration for Babcock-Hitachi K.K. Work Scope : Steam Jacket, Pipng Modules, HRSG’s Duct/Casing, Stack
08 (August)
두번째 해양플랜트 Topside 구조물 제작
Shell Preldue FLNG Project : Pipe Rack, Platform, Flare Tower
2nd Offshore Topside Project SHELL Prelude FLNG Project : Pipe Rack, Platform, Flare Tower, V-Brace
07 (July)
세번째 해양플랜트 Topside 구조물 제작 INPEX Ichthys CPF Project : Pipe Rack, Platform
3rd Offshore Topside Project INPEX Ichthys CPF Project : Pipe Rack, Platform, Telecom Tower
10 (October)
네번째 해양플랜트 Topside 구조물 제작 Martin Linge CPF Project : Pipe Rack, Large Platform
4th Offshore Topside Project Martin Linge : Pipe Rack, Large Platform
01 (January)
㈜디에이치아이로 상호 변경
Company name changed to DHI Co., Ltd.
02 (February)
Stena Semi-Rig : Platform, Riser Post 제작 착수
Stena Semi-Rig : Platform, Riser Post
06 (June)
Zadco UZ705K Project : Leg & Brace 제작 착수
Zadco UZ705K Project : Leg & Brace
07 (July)
Egina FPSO : Pipe Rack, Platform 제작 착수
Egina FPSO : Pipe Rack, Platform
10 (October)
Petronas FLNG Project : Pipe Rack, L/Platform 제작 착수
Petronas FLNG Project : Pipe Rack, L/Platform
11 (November)
Shell Appomattox Project : Column 제작 착수
Shell Appomattox Project : Column
07 (July)
TCO project : Deck Block & Pipe Rack 제작착수
TCO project : Deck Block & Pipe Rack
01 (January)
MD2,ENI CORAL Project : Stair tower/Steel outfitting 제작착수
MD2,ENI CORAL Project : Stair tower/Steel outfitting
10 (October)
SPP 통영공장 인수 및 DHI 통영공장 설립
Acquisition of SPP Tongyeong and set up of DHI Tongyeong Factory.
09 (September)
Funnel Casing 제작 착수
Start fabricate funnel casing.
01 (January)
0.89K, 9%-Ni Type C LNG Fuel Tank 제작 착수
0.89K, 9%-Ni Type C LNG Fuel Tank for HMD
06 (June)
3.75K, Hi-Mn Type C LNG Fuel Tank 제작 착수
3.75K, Hi-Mn Type C LNG Fuel Tank for Hanwha
07 (July)
NOC Gallaf Batch-3 EPCI06 Project : Node, Box Girder, Secondary, Brown Field 제작 착수
NOC Gallaf Batch-3 EPCI06 Project : Node, Box Girder, Secondary, Brown Field
10 (October)
3306 ENETI WTIV Project : Spud Can 제작 착수
3306 ENETI WTIV Project : Spud Can
03 (March)
6064 Petrobras P79 FPSO Project : Cassion & Protector, Diving Station Offloading Platform, Life Boat Platform, MSM, Raier Pull-in structure 제작 착수
6064 Petrobras P79 FPSO Project : Cassion & Protector, Diving Station Offloading Platform, Life Boat Platform, MSM, Raier Pull-in structure
05 (May)
3306 ENETI WTIV Project : Helideck, Anchor rack, Light Post 제작 착수
3306 ENETI WTIV Project : Helideck, Anchor rack, Light Post
10 (October)
6065 Chevron Project : HV, LV, Truss, Topdeck, i-tube, Protector, Pull in structure, Crane Pedestal 제작 착수
6065 Chevron Project : HV, LV, Truss, Topdeck, i-tube, Protector, Pull in structure, Crane Pedestal
02 (February)
3307 Cadelar WTIV Project : X-Brace for Leg 제작 착수
3307 Cadelar WTIV Project : X-Brace for Leg